السبت، 26 سبتمبر 2009

Jose states his Reasons for Departure

It was one of the worst days that El-Ahly fans have ever lived when the Portuguese magician Manuel Jose announced his decision to leave El-Ahly .Jose was not just a coach but a fan of El-Ahly that leads the team from the coach seat. Jose did not leave a chance for El-Ahly.com reporter to talk; it seemed as if he was waiting for this moment to talk to El-Ahly lovers directly. His words were from his heart and unusually his voice carries a lot of emotion.

The magician said "Leaving El-Ahly is the hardest decision of my life, I do not remember that I made a decision of such difficulty before and the reason is one thing ... El-Ahly fans"

Jose revealed for the first time the real reasons of his departure saying “My departure is purely for personal reasons. I am 63 years old and became no longer able to bear such great pressure. My father at the age of 94 and during the last year I saw him only once, also I've seen my son only twice in the last year which is very difficult for me. It seems I am no longer able to endure pressure at this age so the time has come to leave El-Ahly."

"Life in Angola will be easier for many factors; first, Portuguese is the official language of Angola because of the Portuguese occupation of Angola which lasts for 500 years. Coaching of Angola national team does not require staying in Angola, but I could stay in Portugal especially most Angolan professional players play in the Portuguese league and that will give me the opportunity to stay in Portugal and work from there.” Jose added.

Manuel Jose said, "I decided many times to leave El-Ahly for various reasons but I retracted this decision because of you .. you .. you (he repeated it more than once referring to El-Ahly fans)."

Jose talked about El-Ahly fans saying “El-Ahly fans are the secret behind Jose’s success. Since the announcement of my departure, Fans are calling me, sending letters and stop me on the street asking me to retract this decision that was very difficult for me."

Jose said "The Egyptian press attacked me so fiercely during my leadership of El-Ahly and I have fought against all in Egypt only for the sake of El-Ahly Fans. Egyptian press likened my departure to escape, but I do not care about such nonsense all I care about is fans of El-Ahly whom I believe the best Fans I met in my life."

Jose added "Although we lost the ACL and Cup of Egypt, even if we lost the Egyptian league, I know that Fans love me and will never forget the championships we have achieved together”

Jose concluded his speech to El-Ahly.com "I would like to convey this message to all of El-Ahly Fans, I love them and I would not forget them. I know they will not forget me, but this is the life!".

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